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Organizing Institutions:

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Northwestern University


The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Northwestern University Office for Research

Northwestern University Mccormick School of Engineering

Northwestern University Mccormick School of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

29th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management

Conference Schedule

June 27 - June 29, 2017, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Detailed Agenda

Day 1: Tuesday, June 27

8:30-9:15 AM


9:15-9:30 AM

Opening remarks

AM Session 1
9:30-10:30 AM

Keynote 1 (ROOM 100): Rob Ross, Senior Scientist, Interim Director of MCS, Argonne National Laboratory [pdf]
Title: A renaissance for data management in HPC?

10:30-11:00 AM


AM Session 2
11:00-12:30 AM

Long Papers Session: Streaming I (ROOM 100, Session chair: Goce Trajcevski)

  • Incremental Discovery of Inclusion Dependencies, Nuhad Shaabani and Christoph Meinel
  • FlatFIT: Accelerated Incremental Sliding-Window Aggregation For Real-Time Analytics, Anatoli Shein, Panos Chrysanthis and Alexandros Labrinidis
  • Generating What-If Scenarios for Time Series Data, Lars Kegel, Martin Hahmann and Wolfgang Lehner

12:30-1:30 PM

Working Lunch (lunch box provided)
Topic: presentation on SSDBM 2018 conference at Bolzano, Italy

PM Session 1

Long Papers Session: Streaming II (ROOM 100, Session chair: Johann Gamper)

  • Managing Sensor Data Streams: Lessons Learned from the WeBike Project, Christian Gorenflo, Lukasz Golab and Srinivasan Keshav
  • Incremental Temporal Pattern Mining Using Efficient Batch-Free Stream Clustering, Yifeng Lu, Marwan Hassani and Thomas Seidl
  • Query Suggestion to allow Intuitive Interactive Search in Multidimensional Time Series, Yifei Ding and Eamonn Keogh

3:00-3:30 PM


PM Session 2
3:30-4:30 PM

PANEL 1: On-line Analytics (ROOM 100) [pdf]
Chair: Scott Klasky (ORNL)
Panelists: Will Schroeder (Kitware), Dave Poulsen (HDF group), Matthew Wolf (ORNL), Tom Peterka (ANL) and Shinjae Yoo (BNL)

Day 2: Wednesday, June 28

AM Session 1
8:30-10:00 AM

Long Papers Session: Graphs (ROOM 200, Session chair: Florin Rusu)

  • A Benchmark for Betweenness Centrality Approximation Algorithms on Large Graphs, Ziyad Alghamdi, Fuad Jamour, Spiros Skiadopoulos and Panos Kalnis
  • On-line Versioned Schema Inference for Large Semantic Web Data sources, Kenza Kellou-Menouer and Zoubida Kedad
  • Edge Labeling Schemes for Graph Data, Oshini Goonetilleke, Danai Koutra, Timos Sellis and Kewen Liao

10:00-10:30 AM


AM Session 2
10:30-12:00 AM

Short Paper Posters and Demo Introductions (ROOM 200, Session chair: John Wu)

  • How the Passengers Flow in Complex Metro Networks?, Guandong Sun, Yun Xiong and Yangyong Zhu
  • DualDB: An Efficient LSM-based Publish-Subscribe Storage System, Mohiuddin Abdul Qader and Vagelis Hristidis
  • DistriPlan - An Optimized Join Execution Framework for Geo-Distributed Scientific Data, Roee Ebenstein and Gagan Agrawal
  • Challenges of Differentially Private Release of Data Under an Open-world Assumption, Elham Naghizade, James Bailey, Lars Kulik and Egemen Tanin
  • Mining Persistent and Discriminative Communities in Graph Ensembles, Steve Harenberg, Mandar Chaudhary and Nagiza Samatova
  • High-Definition Digital Elevation Modelling in Autonomous Driving, Andi Zang, Xin Chen and Goce Trajcevski
  • High Performance IO Tools for Mesh in Numerical Simulations, William Dai
  • Discovering partial periodic itemsets in temporal databases, Uday Kiran
  • Detecting Global Hyperparaboloid Correlated Clusters Based on Hough Transform, Daniyal Kazempour, Markus Mauder, Peer Kröger and Thomas Seidl
  • Tiling Strategies for Distributed Point Cloud Databases, János Szalai-Gindl, László Dobos and István Csabai
  • Computing Isochrones in Multimodal Spatial Networks using Tile Regions, Nikolaus Krismer, Doris Silbernagl, Günther Specht and Johann Gamper
  • Location and Processing Aware Datacube Caching, Veranika Levkevich, Dimitar Misev, Vlad Merticariu and Peter Baumann
  • MELT: Mapreduce-based Efficient Large-scale Trajectory Anonymization, Katrina Ward, Dan Lin and Sanjay Madria
  • BYOI: Augmenting Live Databases with Flexible Indices, James Wagner, Alexander Rasin and Tanu Malik
  • Improving Statistical Similarity Based Data Reduction for Non-Stationary Data, Dongeun Lee, Alex Sim, Jaesik Choi and Kesheng Wu
  • Dynamic Group Trip Planning Queries in Spatial Databases, Anika Tabassum, Sukarna Barua, Tanzima Hashem and Tasmin Chowdhury
  • SGVCut: A Vertex-Cut Partitioning Tool for Random Walks-based Computations over Social Network graphs (demo), Yifan Li, Camelia Constantin and Cedric Du Mouza
  • VISOR: Visualizing Summaries of Ordered Data (demo), Giovanni Mahlknecht, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper and Michael Böhlen
  • Skluma: A statistical learning pipeline for taming unkempt data repositories (demo), Paul Beckman, Tyler Skluzacek, Kyle Chard and Ian Foster
  • Fides: A Platform for Responsible Data Science, Bill Howe, Julia Stoyanovich, Serge Abiteboul, Gerome Miklau, Arnaud Sahuguet and Gerhard Weikum
  • Measuring Fairness in Ranked Outputs, Ke Yang and Julia Stoyanovich
  • DataSynthesizer: Privacy-Preserving Synthetic Datasets (demo), Haoyue Ping, Julia Stoyanovich and Bill Howe

12:00-2:00 PM

Working Lunch, Poster, and Demo session (ROOM 621, lunch buffet provided)
Topic: attendees to discuss posters with presenters - posters already mounted.

PM Session 1

Long Papers Session: Spatial Data (ROOM 200, Session Chair: Peter Baumann)

  • BLOCK: Efficient Execution of Spatial Range Queries in Main-Memory, Matthaios Olma, Farhan Tauheed, Thomas Heinis and Anastasia Ailamaki
  • Probabilistic k-Nearest Neighbor Monitoring of Moving Gaussians, Kostas Patroumpas and Christos Koutras
  • Class-based Conditional MaxRS Query in Spatial Data Streams, Mir Imtiaz Mostafiz, S.M.Farabi Mahmud, Muhammed Mas-Ud Hussain, Mohammed Eunus Ali and Goce Trajcevski

3:30-4:00 PM


PM Session 2
4:00-5:30 PM

Long Papers Session: Best Papers (ROOM 200, Session chair: Alok Choudhary)

  • Computing Influence of a Product through Uncertain Reverse Skyline, Best Paper, Md Saiful Islam, Wenny Rahayu, Chengfei Liu, Tarique Anwar and Bela Stantic
  • Multi-Hypothesis CSV parsing, Best Paper Runner Up, Till Döhmen, Hannes Mühleisen and Peter Boncz
  • Fast Join Algorithms on GPUs: Design and Implementation, Best Paper Runner Up, Ran Rui and Yi-Cheng Tu

7:00-10:00 PM

Dinner Cruise (Boarding at 6:30)
Departing from Navy Pier.

Day 3: Thursday, June 29

AM Session 1
9:00-10:00 AM

Keynote 2 (ROOM 200): Lucy Nowell, DOE [pdf]
Title: Science in the Era of Extreme Heterogeneity

10:00-10:30 AM


AM Session 2
10:30-12:00 AM

Long Papers Session: Querying (ROOM 200, Session chair: Egemen Tanin)

  • A Unified Correlation-based Approach to Sampling Over Joins, Niranjan Kamat and Arnab Nandi
  • Active Learning with Density-Initialized Decision Tree for Record Matching, Chenxiao Dou
  • SHRec: Scalable Holistic Recommendation, Ahmed Aly, Moustafa Hammad and Amr Ahmed

12:00-1:00 PM

Working Lunch (lunch box provided)
Topic: discuss research areas for future conferences ? solicit suggestions from attendees

PM Session 1

Long Papers Session: Data Analysis (ROOM 200, Session chair: Arie Shoshani)

  • Dot-Product Join: Scalable In-Database Linear Algebra for Big Model Analytics, Chengjie Qin and Florin Rusu
  • Data Series Similarity Using Correlation-Aware Measures, Katsiaryna Mirylenka, Michele Dallachiesa and Themis Palpanas
  • Bi-Level Online Aggregation on Raw Data, Yu Cheng, Weijie Zhao and Florin Rusu

2:30-3:00 PM


PM Session 2
3:30-4:30 PM

PANEL 2: Theory-guided Data Science (ROOM 200)
Chair: Vipin Kumar (University of Minnesota)
Panelists: Lucy Nowell (DOE), Tanya Berger-Wolf (University of Illinois Chicago), Sai Ravela (MIT), and Anuj Karpatne (MIT)