For questions please contact:
Northwestern University
Northwestern EECS
Formatting Instructions
The Proceedings of SSDBM 2017 will be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series. You can find the ACM templates for LaTeX and Word at:
There are several templates available in the packages - please use the "sigconf" one.
Full papers are limited to 12 pages.
We also invite short papers (4-6 pages) describing a work-in-progress, or a vision.
Demo papers are also limited to 4-5 pages.
Submissions should be in PDF format, using the EasyChair (see the url above for the Submission Web Site).
If you intend to submit a paper and do not have an EasyChair account, you can create one at:
Papers with interesting ideas that are not yet fully mature can be accepted as short poster papers. For those who wishes to identify their submissions to be "Short paper" or "Demo paper", please select the corresponding "Topic" in addition to the technical topics.
For additional questions, please contact